
Some new briefs I've been using:

Bermuda = B*ERMD
classification = KLAFGS (thanks to Mirabai)
diagnostic = DAOIGT (one of the professors says this word constantly!)
San Diego = SA*EG
stereotype = STAO*IP
incumbent = KBAENT
affiliate = FA*ELT

I always had a problem with -nic, like picnic. I just wrote it as "NIK" and defined words that needed it, but then when I wrote "picnic" my instinct would be to use N*IK or N*K, since NIK is already "nick." But N*IK is Nick, and N*K is North Carolina, so I couldn't figure out what stroke I should use for -nic. Finally yesterday I decided I had to come up with a solution. South Carolina is SO*UK, so I made NO*UK North Carolina, and now I can use N*K for -nic. I think that's going to be a much better solution, assuming I can actually remember to do it (and remember that North Carolina is NO*UK now, too).

A weird thing that happened was I changed my definition for tri- from {tri^} to {tri-^}, which would normally just have it put the hyphen in if it made a misspelled word with out it, but for some reason then I started getting "tri-angle," which was embarrassing. I defined that one as "triangle," and hopefully everything else will work properly.

I also had a crazy word come up, I think in a speech about equality: "transmogrification." Needless to say, that one was not in my dictionary yet.

1 comment:

  1. Transmogrification is a term known to World of Warcraft players. That's also where I learned about innervate v. enervate.
