I changed -tal to T*AL (257 instances), changed it so words like "influential" could be written like IN/FLAOUNL (198), added /ELZ for words like novels (642), a -VS for words like conclusive = CON/KLAOUVS (416), -AIRBL for
-ational, -TAIRBL for -tational (3) and KAIRBL for -casional (306), -lize and
-mize as LAO*IZ (349) and MAO*IZ (47), GA*ET for -gate (215), NALT for -nality (78), LIFK for -listic (52), changed -sen to S*EN so it wouldn't conflict with words that started with SEN like sensationalism, and changed li- to L*EU.
I feel like my prefixes and suffixes are still all over the place. I don't have a uniform system for them. Someone told me at one point to put an asterisk in all the suffixes, so I did for a ton of them, and then I didn't like it so I took them out, but now I basically do it again, except only for words that are already words; but I'm discovering that a lot of words start with the same sound, like the sen- and -sen thing, so even though "sen" isn't a word, I should still do an asterisk in -sen just for consistency so I know what to write.
I guess I should work on that. It actually shouldn't take as much time as it used to now that I figured out how to edit dictionaries in Word.