I did a lot of captioning over the summer. About the middle of July, I realized that if I didn't make any changes, I was going to have the same amount of CART work for fall semester as I did for spring semester, and I didn't like the idea of that at all. So I started sending out my resume to some companies, slowly at first, and then doing more as I wasn't finding any with rates that I wanted.
I wound up applying at 35 places, which, in hindsight, may have been a bit much, but I wasn't getting any confirmations on fall classes being available, so I felt like I had to keep going. I actually wound up getting more offers for classes than I could even take from my main company; it seems like they have more work now than they did in the spring.
So right now I've got 13 hours a week in classes from them, plus this month I did 3 hours a week of captioning (trying to take it down to 2 for next month), and then I'm pretty sure I could fill in the rest with non-class hours from the main company. But if I were only with them, I'd have to do captioning during the summer, which isn't really where I want to be. The company I'm with now pays considerably less than CART, but I could always look for another company.
But, if I can cobble together enough CART companies with work over the summer, I may not need to do captioning at all. So I'm trying to balance about ten companies right now, hoping that they'll have summer work, too. Two of them have a lot of government meetings, though, and I guess those aren't going to carry over into the summer, so it might not actually be helpful at all. It's tough balancing all of it and I wish I could just drop the captioning hours now, but I feel like I need to wait and see what happens during the summer before I do that. Summer is so far away, though!
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