Infinity Ergo Time

I'm trying to commit to updating the blog at least once a month. It's only been a month and four days since my last update, so I'd say that's pretty good.

I decided it was time to buy the Infinity Ergo. I think it'll help with the pain in my hands if nothing else. I started by finding someone in my area who was willing to let me try hers out. I got to go to her house and write on it for as long as I wanted to, which was about 45 minutes. It was really nice being able to position the pods any way I wanted to. You can tilt them right to left, forward and back, and move them farther away from each other. I was surprised that it actually wasn't comfortable to move them apart, but I think being able to tilt them will help a lot.

So I ordered one, and the owner of the company, Jason, said that it would take about three weeks to get here. That was almost a month ago to the day. I emailed him on Monday to see what was up, and he said it was going to ship this week. He thought it would be shipping today. I didn't hear anything about that happening, so I'm guessing it didn't. I'll have to check back again next Monday.

The numbness in my right hand is really painful and annoying. I think it's probably more related to the mouse than anything else. It hurts to type on a keyboard, though, so I'm writing this on my steno machine. I've come a long way in my writing since the last time I tried to do this. It used to be frustrating to try to write anything, but it's pretty fluid now.

I decided to hold off on the nerve numbing thing for now. Nobody from that office ever called me to let me know it was approved by insurance, anyway. I want to see if the pain will go away once I get the IE.

I'm still experiencing pretty terrible back pain. I took the mattress topper off my bed. The pain started right when I put it on. It's really soft and nice, but I couldn't ignore the correlation. I've had it off for over three weeks now, and my back pain hasn't really improved. I tried tilting the seat pan of my chair forward a little, and then I also unlocked it so I could rock back in it, and then when I went to go back to normal from a tilted-back position, it got stuck.

So now the seat pan is stuck tilted back even farther than I had it originally. It's been kind of a mess. I think the pain has leveled off again, though; it doesn't seem to be getting any worse at this point. Maybe it'll turn around and start getting better.

It's pretty uncomfortable trying to sleep. I can't stand for any period of time without it hurting. But at least it's not too bad when I'm sitting, for now.

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